Lord Bates calls for 24hr ceasefire in Syria to be declared at Olympics Closing Ceremony

Young Syrian refugees in Bekka Valley make the Olympic rings and call for a 24hr truce on “Peace Sunday” 12th August.

Lord Bates, who walked the length of Europe to promote the Olympic Truce, and who has blogged recently on who is responsible for keeping the Truce, is currently on the Lebanon-Syria border.

He writes on the 12,000-strong Olympic Truce Facebook page this evening

Call for 24 hour truce in Syria during the Closing Ceremony of the Olympics on Sunday 12th August made by Syrian refugees I met in Bekka Valley today but too frightened to show their faces.

It’s time for UN, IOC and LOCOG to hear their call and act….

Local communities are often the ones at the sharp end of conflict.  Join the Olympic Truce Facebook page here.