MUJU’s Peace Lab in action

MUJU’s Peace Lab in action

MUJU still 3Outstanding work from young Muslims & Jews at MUJU Crew this summer – watch the video now.

The Al-Khoei Foundation, Brondesbury Park Synagogue and St Anne’s Church of England worked together with MUJU – the filming & editing was supported by the Near Neighbours Programme.

Peace Lab ReLoaded starts in October – contact MUJU to sign up.

MUJU 48 hour Peace Lab | 24-25 August | NW London

MUJU 48 hour Peace Lab | 24-25 August | NW London

Young? Muslim? Jewish? In North West London?


The MUJU Crew bring Muslims and Jews together through a shared passion for creating art.

In this time of heightened tension MUJU aims to provide an arena for creative dialogue by hosting a two-day theatre lab in which Muslim and Jewish performers (both professionals and those with a passion for theatre/ arts) come together to explore/ question the theme of Peace, in all it’s possible meanings, through theatre.
The outcome will be a piece of theatre that will be shared on the Monday evening.
The entire weekend will be facilitated and filmed to be made into a short documentary. This will be screened at various events in the lead up to the International Day of Peace on September 21st.
WHERE: Al-Khoei Benevolent Foundation, Chevening Road, London, NW6 6TN

WHEN: 10-6pm Sunday 24th and Monday 25th August 2014.

Places are limited! If you would like to be part of this creative experience then please contact to book.